Take the Leap

 Happy Monday, Tribe! I hope you enjoyed the first webinar last Friday! We had an incredible experience talking about leadership. Strong leadership is essential no matter where you work, and it’s especially important when you’re running a business. I’m so grateful to all of you who joined me on that webinar!

And I’m seriously excited about the next FREE webinar in my business coaching series. It’s going to be tomorrow, Tuesday the 14th at 4:30 PM (find the link in my Instagram bio), and it’s on my favorite topic: money money money. We’re going to talk about how to have a healthy money mindset and bring more income to your business! It’s going to be amazing, so make sure you don’t miss it!

In this episode, we’re going to talk about taking the leap into the career you’re meant for. You guys know that back in April I was running a nutrition business, which I loved, but all my mentors were saying that I would do so well in business mentoring. I decided to pivot, even though I was comfortable being in nutrition. And guys business mentoring was meant for me. I could have played it safe, but I didn’t. I took the leap!

And you can too! Have you been considering taking a major leap in your business? Is there something you could be doing to grow your impact and income? Are you ready to learn how to get out of your comfort zone and build your success? I’m here today to light a fire under you and inspire you to take that leap! Let’s get started! 

My Story: Nutrition Coach to Business Mentor

Okay, so as I mentioned earlier, many of you guys know that until last April, my business was entirely focused on nutrition coaching. And I really loved it! I have a lot of passion for working as a nutrition coach. When my business was focused only on nutrition coaching, I was impacting a lot of women, improving lives, and bringing in the revenue. And, on the side, I was doing some business mentoring.

But here’s the thing: I was comfortable. Nutrition was my jam, but I was getting stuck in that comfort zone. I could feel the pull toward making the business-mentoring side of my work my main focus.

That’s when my mentors started speaking up. You guys know that I fully believe in the power of having great mentors and coaches, and here’s an example of my mentors encouraging me to make a positive change in my life and in my business!

During this time, I had so many mentors who said to me, “Jenn, you gotta make the formal pivot into business mentoring. It’s made for you!”

But I wasn’t ready! You guys, I was so freaking scared! I was in a comfortable groove with my nutrition coaching, and I’d already built a strong business, so I just had a lot of fear about changing that.

Now you guys probably know that I’m a little bit of a woo-woo. What do I mean by that? I mean that I believe in a high power — God, the universe, the divine, whatever you want to call it. I believe in a source greater than us that guides us. So when I was nervous about changing my business, I decided to tap into the spiritual side of me and see if I could find the guidance I needed to take this leap in my business.

I pulled out my Oracle cards, picked out a card, and read what it meant. And you guys, the message on the card stopped me dead in my tracks. Seriously, I loved it so much I’m going to share the whole thing with you here:

“Life bends for the courageous. You can navigate any sea or storm. You aren’t here to play it safe and be passive. You’re here to live and leap.”

Um, what? Could there have been a more on-point message for me?

“Life Bends for the Courageous”

Let’s take another look at the reading because I absolutely love this message: 

“Life bends for the courageous. You can navigate any sea or storm. You aren’t here to play it safe and be passive. You’re here to live and leap.”

You guys, it is so easy to be passive. It’s easy to find a comfort zone and stay in it. It’s comfortable, right? I was comfortable as a nutrition coach, and I could have stayed there. It wouldn’t even have been a bad thing! I changed a lot of women’s lives as a nutrition coach. I loved what I did. But I had a calling, and I needed to stop playing it safe.

I needed to take a leap.

“Life bends for the courageous.” It’s always scary, but when you take a leap, life will bend for you.

When was the last time you took a leap? When I think about it, this pattern of getting into a comfort zone and then leaping out of it has been a constant in my life. For example, before I even started my business, I just shared my weight-loss journey on social media, and that was a leap. It took courage for me to share my story, but when I took that leap, other women were inspired, and I had the opportunity to take another leap into my business.

I took another leap when I invested $8,000 in my business. I didn’t have that money — I had to put it on a credit card, and I was terrified! I didn’t want to tell my husband I’d gotten myself into credit card debt! But I needed to take that leap.

I needed to take another leap when I hired my first business coach. I took another when I joined my first Mastermind. The biggest leap of all was when I left my job as a teacher to be an entrepreneur. And that was crazy, right? I’d gotten all the degrees, I was working my way up the ladder, and I was even training to be a principal when I left teaching to be a full-time coach.

But I took the leap, and life bent for me.

It will bend for you too.

Let me ask you again: When was the last time you took a leap? When was the last time you did something scary or uncomfortable because you felt a calling to it?

Do you need to take another leap today?

Obstacles Are Invitations for Growth

Here’s the thing, guys: Taking a leap will always be scary. There’s always risk involved. There’s always the chance that you’ll run into obstacles you didn’t anticipate.

But guess what? That shit happens!

There are always going to be roadblocks that pop up in your way. There will always be things you don’t know how to handle. But remember what the reading said: “You can navigate any sea or storm.” You can handle anything life throws at you!

Let me tell you guys, every time I have taken a leap, it’s worked out. And that’s not to say that every effort has succeeded or grown my impact or income. But every time I’ve taken a leap, I’ve either gotten the outcome I wanted or learned a valuable lesson. After all, obstacles are just invitations for growth. Every time I’ve hit an obstacle, I’ve learned something and gotten even better, stronger, and more confident as a woman and as a coach.

“You aren’t here to play it safe and passive. You’re here to live and leap.” You’re here to live a life of courage and abundance.

So what leap do you need to take? That card came to me at the perfect time, and today I’m passing the message on to you. What calling do you need to make a move toward? What step do you need to take to grow? Do you need to invest in yourself? Do you need to pivot the focus of your business? Do you need to leave your job to start something new, like I did?

You’re Here to Leap

Guys, I hope this message today has inspired you. More than that, I hope it’s lit a fire under you to get up and take the next leap that’s right for you. You’re not here to play it safe. You’re here to take that leap and live a courageous, purposeful life. 

And remember: life bends for you, always. If you take a leap and crush your goal — awesome. If you grow your impact and income, develop a stronger business mindset, and transform into the person you aspire to be — fantastic. If you leap and hit roadblocks and obstacles and challenges you weren’t ready for — great. Those things are opportunities to learn. Life still bends for you when you hit obstacles. 

What leap do you need to make today?

Maybe you need to take the leap of getting coaching for your business. Again — guys, coaching is essential. It’s so important to have mentors and coaches in your life who can teach you how to be stronger in business.

If you need more coaching, I want to encourage you to join me on my FREE webinar, tomorrow the 14th at 4:30 PM EST. You can find the link to sign in in my Instagram bio here, and you guys, it’s going to be awesome. Tomorrow, I’m going to be teaching about money and what it means to have a good money mindset. I’m going to share my best advice for growing your impact and making more money with your business.

I really want you to join me! Again, it’s totally FREE, and it’s going to be AMAZING! Sign up at the link here and clear your calendar!

Thanks so much for joining me today, guys. I look forward to talking to you at my webinar tomorrow!

Now go out there and take that next leap! I’ll be right alongside you! 


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